Port Management: Best Practices In Port Management

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INTRODUCTION Understanding or distinguishing the organizations best practices is not a tough thing to do. The challenge for most organization is that they need to work inside of the setting of preconceived regarding what a best practice truly implies and the misguided judgment of how it should to be effectively sent. (Herron, n.d.) As we all know, a best practice is a procedure or technique that, through experience and research, has demonstrated to dependably lead to a desired result. A commitment to utilizing the best practices as a part of field is a promise to utilizing all the information and technology available to ensure success. The term is used often in the field of health care, government organization, the education system, venture…show more content…
The best practices in port management derived from procedure, regulations, and different port literature. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has a progression of conventions to port management (Bacchioni & Ramus, "Best Practices in Port Management", 2008). An essential part of operations management is the capacity to decide how the device is achieving at the placement site and when support vessels are required to perform the operation activities (Maisondieu, Johanning, & Weller, March…show more content…
In shipping, it is also refers to protect of piracy, vessel and ports, personnel and supply chains of the ship. Ships must comply with maritime security requirements. Some of those requirements are contained in the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter XI-2. The SOLAS Convention is generally concerning the safety of internationally merchant ships (SOLAS Convention, 2015). It is technical practices and need compliance. The best operations of security in shipping are the ship security plans. Each ships or organization ought to have ship security plans (SSP). It is to help by keeping the illegal demonstrations against the ship, passengers and crew (Maritime and Coastguard, 2013). Apart, they are attempting to minimize the damages to the marine environment and port offices (Maritime and Coastguard, 2013). As the results, the ship will be more secured and protected when they follow the SSP in

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