Personal Leadership Reflection

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I have obtained great learning from the study week in Cambridge which I can apply in responding to ethical issues and business environment in global contexts. From My Cambridge startups: the road to Raspberry Pi presented by Professor Jack Lang, I think some leaders needs only to be outstandingly capable. Steve Jobs is a good example. He was well known for his bad temper. However no one could deny that he had great ideas that others didn’t have – the things he invented were always ahead of the time. Another type of good leader is one who makes people want to join their team, because it is fun to work with them. I believe the view that first-grade leaders attract first-grade team members; second-grade leaders attract third-grade team members;…show more content…
In the past, I have learnt much about 7 habits of highly successful people written by Steven Covey and StrenghtsFinder 2.0 written by Tom Rath, but I have not completely changed / transformed. But after this lesson, I will be more active in leading mu HR subordinates to achieve our individual and departmental goals. From the quiz of this lesson, I have low directive and high supportive behavior so that I was a supporting situational leader. I think I need to improve my directive behavior in order to enhance my coaching skill sets. For my existing subordinates, they are a mixture of fresh graduates and experienced managers / supervisors. However, the outcomes were not very good because these fresh graduates cannot grow faster than my expected. I need to adopt coaching approach to enhance fresh graduates’ job satisfaction and…show more content…
We need understand all the similarities and differences in systems and processes and, where relevant, identify cultural nuances. HR Thoroughly review all data and documents pertaining to organizational structure; job description; grade levels; HR policies on recruitment and selection; learning and development and performance management; manpower numbers; employee compensation and benefits; and attrition rates. HR also takes note of employee expectations of the M&A’s consequences, through one-on-one interactions with employees at all levels, functions and regions. We need to conduct focus group discussions with employees. HR also identifies cultural gaps between the merging organizations, as well as their root causes. Cultural gaps often lead to delayed or denied business results, which is a significant concern for business leaders, and the only way to bridge these gaps is to analyze the root causes and work on resolving them right

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