English Grammar Case Study

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The study of English grammar is tricky and difficult, as the grammatical structure of English and Russian language is not the same as: - in the Russian language has no articles, - English has no cases, - the verbal system is more diverse, - the difference in the sentence structure. If a student is not very well versed in the grammar of the native language (and we have been teaching English grammar versus grammar of mostly Russian language), the grammar of the English language is really difficult. It should be added that pupils of primary school only to the fourth class form the basic knowledge of grammar: many concepts and terms second and third grades they are not familiar. Therefore, English language teachers working in primary school have…show more content…
The repeated use of the activity diagram allows you to quickly gain the skills and the ability to use grammar rules. If you perform all of the proposed activity schema, you will notice that they almost all begin with the formula constructing the English sentences, and this is very important, as the building of the English and Russian sentences differ from one another. In the Russian language is an arbitrary arrangement of the sentence, and in English - strictly defined. Students this is difficult, but activity diagram allows you to quickly get used to it. The grammatical formation of tenses of English verbs also is fulfilled to automatism. In each diagram, devoted to this subject, the students start from the indefinite form of the verb, repeated auxiliary verbs, forms of verbs in different tenses. After working step-by-step application of the same activity schema, and starting to study next, the students already know with what to begin education and how to…show more content…
Systematization of knowledge helps to recall the rules at the right time, since not all structures avtomatiziruete to the same extent. Theoretical knowledge of grammar, the description of grammatical phenomena and developing students ' grammatical concepts - all this has implications for speech training. Activity diagrams allow the student to act that supports the effectiveness in learning English grammar. I hope that step-by-step use activity diagrams use activity diagrams the semantic video free only forms, diagrams, sentence structure and algorithms will help the teachers in preparing lessons for the study of English grammar and make them more effective. The English proverb says: "I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered it. According to scientists a person remembers 20% heard, 30% is seen, and more than 50% of what he sees and hears at the same time. Thus, the facilitation of the process of perception and memorization of information using striking images is the basis of any modern classroom. Studies carried out in parallel third grade, showed that the use of the lessons and activity charts, tables and algorithms

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