The Pros And Cons Of Second Language Acquisition

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Andrei Danchev (1982) argues that translation/transfer is a natural phenomenon in second language acquisition, especially in beginning levels and that methodology should not necessarily be used against this. Teachers can support this natural phenomenon by using what Danchev calls “functional translation” (transferring meaning into L2, instead of word by word) to facilitate their comprehension by making a relation with their native language. As Jack C. Richards said, quoting Richard Schmidt (1990), who argues that “we won´t learn anything from input we hear and understand unless we notice something about the input”. Students might be affected by the input and intake due to the constant transition between the two languages. If this is affecting the acquisition and comprehension of a second language, then it will have repercussions on their production. This means that learners must be aware at least of a portion of the language use in the classroom, in order to do the activities and follow instructions, as well as this can contribute to be autonomous learners when dealing with a second language. According to the professor Vivian Cook (1999) who claims that methodologists…show more content…
The diverse circumstances of using L1 can vary. One option can be for checking comprehension concepts where the teacher does not necessarily have to use L1. Instead of wasting time doing mimics and body language, students can do it just with a simple translation, saying the same thing that the teacher does but in their native language. Another option could be to explain difficult concepts or to give grammar explanations, just in case it is too difficult for students to understand new information. Particularly as Elsa Auerbach (1993) suggests some uses of the L1 in the classroom: classroom management, language analysis, discussions about cultural issues, giving instructions and presenting grammar

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