Translation Literature Analysis

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Problems of Translating Literary Texts Facing Translation Minor Students at the University of Bahrain and Suggested Solutions Background Introductory Note The chapter discusses the theoretical framework and the literature review of the research. The theoretical framework focuses on the importance of both culture and language. On the other hand, literature review compare between several studies and focuses on the result. Theoretical background Language and culture are important factors in our life.Language cannot be separated from culture.They are both complementary to each other’s. The amount of information you know about the other culture would be a main factorin communicating with the world easily. Part of the study revealed that…show more content…
This is because of the lack of knowledge about other cultures. In addition, the periodthe poem was written in. It has a strong effect on the translators. For instance, the old poetry is extremely different in style. Also, the vocabulary used is complex and hard to understand. On the other hand, the modern poetry is straightforward and has a simple vocabulary that allows people nowadays to understand it easily. For example, students translated"Grew along with me, the best is yet to be" from English to Arabic as "لنكبر أنا وأنت سويا،فالقادم أجمل". Another example would be "To err is human, to forgive divine"is translated as "إذا أخطأت: فأنت إنسانوإذا صفحت: فأنت…show more content…
This indicates that 70% of students understood the questions well and translated them perfectly. On the other hand, 30% of the grades were between 17 and 15. This indicates that some students faced difficulties while translating. The problem might be their weakness in using the language and the lack of knowledge about the culture the TL. Translating idioms The results show that 10% of the students, who took the translation test, struggled in translating idioms. This is also because of the hard vocabulary used and it is obvious that idioms contain complicated vocabulary. In addition, understanding the situation considered as the most important elements to translate idioms. For example, a student translated "Over the moon" from English to Arabic as "فوق النخل". Another example would be" Get out of my sight" as ""أغرب عن وجهي. The style of idioms is slightly complicated but easy to understand and translate if the students have a good cognation about the situation. In addition, the structure is simple and well organized. The grade scored by students varies between 20 and 19. This indicates that 90% of students understood the questions well and translated them perfectly. On the other hand, 10% of the grades were between 17 and 15. This indicates that students did not understand the situation;therefore they were not able to translate.

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