English Class Observation

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class observation report This paper will describe in detail the observation of an English as a Foreign language class done in a Pereiran high school called “Institución Educativa Suroriental”. The main objective of this paper is to analyze and reflect upon the process carried out by the teachers, the role of the students, and the techniques teachers used. A fifty-five-minute class was observed on March 2nd, 2017, at the “Institución Educativa Suroriental”, group sixth A. Twenty-five students integrate the course —fourteen males and eleven females — and their stipulated level of proficiency is A1. The classroom contains many tools that facilitates the teaching and learning process of the language such as television, books, lists of vocabulary…show more content…
First of all, students seem motivated and willing to learn anything the teachers can teach them. It is evidenced in many moments of the class when students ask repeatedly for additional information and show interest in learning the correct pronunciation of the words. Secondly, the role of the teachers is also important to the development of the class because they demonstrate that the class is well planned and they have the appropriate tools to implement every topic they teach. Additionally, teachers reflect a high degree of authority without being rude at all. As a final point, it is important to note that during the whole class teachers and students show a good connection and, consequently, the class is greatly…show more content…
[1] For me, the most significant aspects were the class planning, the kind of activities, and the attitudes of both students and teachers. At first, it appears to me that the class was well-structured and teachers demonstrated good preparation. Secondly, the activities proposed were dynamic and allowed the interaction between students and teachers. I believe the activities were also successful because students were willing to do everything that was proposed. Finally, I consider that the participation of students during the class was a remarkable aspect since they showed interest in the topic and they even wanted to learn more. [2] Although the class was very meaningful, there are some aspects that need to be improved such as classroom management and balanced in the class delivery. Initially, it seems to me that sometimes teachers were losing the control of the class and students were distracted even they were going out of the classroom, so they need to be a little more authoritative. Subsequently, the class was managed by two teachers, but there was almost always one teacher talking and the other was just paying attention to him. I feel it might be because she was shy and was lacking
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