Hotel Receptionist Analysis

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Review Designing a course is really a great challenge to me. This material will actually summed up the things that I’ve learned in my TESOL course. It’s really a good thing that my TESOL instructors were able to hand me information that was need in this assignment. I decided to create a course design for hotel receptionist. We can observe that there are many hotels in different parts of the world and most of their clients or guests come from different countries or places that speak the English language. But not all of the hotel receptionist can communicate in English especially in non-English countries. I think it is very helpful for hotel owners to hire hotel receptionist who have English skills, it will benefit them as well their customers.…show more content…
There will be class discussion where in the teacher will facilitate and the student will be divided into groups for brainstorming. There will be a leader, writer, speaker and ideas person with in the group. From this strategy, the student can develop their own ideas about the subject matter. There will also learning activities that would keep the students interested. Concept check will always be a routine during class discussions or learning activities. Role playing is also an important task that they in to accomplish. There is also interaction in the actual workplace and oral examination will be conducted as well. They also need to submit a written essay about the learning experiences that they have learned in the entire course. The instructor should also put in mind the 20% talk time, it will definitely help the student to maximize their ability to speak the English…show more content…
Answering emails and telephone calls group activities, role-playing, listening activities, flashcards, images, Youtube video, dialogs, writing activities, Concept check, observation, role playing, question and answer activities, oral examination Understanding the importance of customer service Customer service Flashcards or PowerPoint, drilling, worksheets, roleplaying in pairs or groups, learning activities, listening activities, and student presentations Concept check, observation, role playing, question and answer activities, oral examination Be able to respond quickly to customer complaints Handling customer complaints Flashcards or PowerPoint, drilling, worksheets, roleplaying in pairs or groups, learning activities, listening activities, and student presentations Concept check, observation, role playing, question and answer activities, oral examination Be accurate in communicating the bills and payments of the customers Money and forms of

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