Empty Inside: A Short Story

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John Meeks Mrs. Barnes English 112 30 September 2015 Empty Inside Walking ahead of my army, I faced what I thought would be my easiest fight. I yelled out to my men, commencing the onslaught. And as hundreds of men streamed by me, I watch in pure glee at the destruction they cause, the death they bring. But this was no unusual event, as I am the leader of hundreds of men all protecting one city. For I am knight and I must fight my battle, not stopping for anything and showing no mercy. Hours passed and the battle raged on, bodies lay scattered on the ground like pieces of paper that someone had ripped up and tossed on the ground. No one bothered to help the injured men that lay in the grass, as they were already past the point of saving.…show more content…
How could I call myself “the most loyal man in the whole town” when I never bothered to stop and help someone. Suddenly, I began to think about the possibility of the term “knight” having more of a meaning than what I was taking it to be. For me, the term meant someone who will put their life of the line, and fight any battle but I soon realized that this was only half of what being a knight meant. It meant being loyal, and charitable, which is accomplished on the battlefield, but can ring further if accomplished in the town. I began to understand that leaving my town and my wife wasn’t the only way to achieve knighthood. And by doing that, I had taken away my wife’s husband, so I vowed to myself that I would no longer leave my village so I could find satisfaction in killing another man. I would show the citizens of my town that I cared about them, and I would ensure that the children of the town would grow up to protect it with their lives. And with being a knight came not only a loyalty to one’s town but also to his family, something that I had neglected. On countless occasions I had left my wife and worrying parents alone, ignoring their happiness and…show more content…
But suddenly I heard footsteps from inside and the door creaked open. On the other side stood my wife, looking tired, and aged, but she was different, I had been gone a week but it looked like she was years older than when I left. I dismissed this thought, and was thankful to see her. As she stepped out the door and headed in my direction, I stood up and reached out for a hug and kiss, and I was shocked as she walked right by me, acting like I wasn’t even there. I began saying hello, but I could tell that she wasn’t listening, so instead of greeting of each other, I just followed her to the garden where she picked a wonderful bouquet of flowers, and then headed down the road with them. I followed her all the way into the forest where she walked up to the tree where she and I had spent so many summer days years
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