presentation, display the interactive timeline available online at the following hyperlink - The timeline will cover notable events from 1914-2013. Make sure to provide background information regarding World War II in connection with Anne Frank’s life as students view multitudes of photographs from the time period. o Two-Column Note Prediction: Based on the photographs from the timeline, students should write down personal predictions of what they believe the main idea of the text will
For centuries now we have had the fundamental right to express ourselves, our values and our stories any way we want. This is guaranteed by the First Amendment, our freedom of speech and of press. Yet so many schools and libraries are ignoring those rights by banning books and challenging them. A banned books is one that has been censored by an authority- a government, a library, or a school system. A book that is banned is actually removed from a library or a school system.1 Is it really up to schools
Imagine sitting in your chair or lying in your bed reading a novel, one that you have grown so close to. A novel that understands you and accepts you. This specific novel like many before it, takes your love for English Literature, for worlds beyond the one you’re in, and characters that relate to you, and loves you back, it waits for you when you don’t have time and caresses you and shows you understanding when you finally do. Imagine such love between book and reader only to find out that said