Effects Of Bullying Essay

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This sort of bullying can happen to anyone at any age and at any time. Physical bullying is when someone harms a person physically by using violence, this involves pushing someone, hitting or kicking them, punching them etc which then leaes the victim with bruising, cuts and even scars etc. Often physical bullies walk around in groups as others are easily lead on and think that it is acceptable to bully people due to seeing others get away with it but it is strictly not acceptable anywhere at any time. If a person is targeted by a group of people who are physically bullying them and they can't defend themselves then it is going to get out of hand and serious harm can be done and the person who is getting physicaly bullied may end up in hospital…show more content…
Physical bullying can cause effects on children and young people due to them feeling that they can't attend school as the bullies may be waiting to target them or if they do attempt to attend school they will end up truanting in order to get from the bullies, If the bullying gets too out of hand then it can lead to the victim wanting to commit suicide…show more content…
Verbal bullying is when someone calls someone a hurtful name, insults are passed back and forth, sarcastic comments are made about people look ect, rumours are spread about somemone that are not true and saying nasty things about the personal life etc. Verbal bullying is also found from gangs of people as the more there are the more a person will be threatened by them. Verbal bullying can cause effects on children and young people due to them having low self esteem from the bullies saying so much hurtful things to them, they may lack in confidence, they will become depressed and anxious becuase they can't do or tell anyone about the bullying due to the threats that they are getting from them and also they will begin to feel isolated as they will withdraw themselvesand not get involved with other people. If a child or young person is pushed too far by their bullies then they will turn around and begin to show aggressive tendencies as they have let it go so far and may nt be able to take much
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