Effects Of Cyber Bullying And Bullying Essay

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What makes cyberbullying different: Cyberbullying is different than other issues because of its negative results on children, children who are cyberbullied are facing difficulties in passing these situations. Cyberbullying is uncontrollable; messages, pictures, and videos which are posted on social media can get a huge audience in short time, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to know the source of this post. Moreover, it is difficult to remove any inappropriate messages, photos, or videos after posting it. Cyber bullying can happen any time any day or any hour. Effects of Cyberbullying and bullying: The social media and electronic devices are positive and negative tools, it depends on the way of using these devices and accounts,…show more content…
However, in 7th grade I interviewed 4 students. Amy was the first girl I have interviewed, she is in 7th grade, she was the only girl in the class who was cyberbullied by her friend, Amy was called by names, her friend accessed to Amy’s accounts on social media. she told her parents about what happened to her, they moved her to a new school so she will stop meeting her friend and stop bullying her. She said: “bullying is disrespectful”. Another 7th grade student, her name is Riya, she is 11 years old, she was bullied emotionally because she is an Indian, her friends were hurting her emotionally; laughing at her and calling her names. She complained to her parents and they moved here from the school. She said that: “bullying is nasty” In the 8th grade, I interviewed only 7 boys, some of them just wrote their opinions about bullying and some shared their stories with me. “Bullying should never be done. If you are being bullied then you should tell someone: like true friend, your family or your teacher. Bullying is not nice and we should never get involved in it”. “Bullying is bad, you should treat people how you like to be treated. Always tell adults when you get

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