Eco Tourism Case Study

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TASK 1: TEMCO Conference Terengganu Eco and Marine Tourism Conference 2016 (TEMCO 2016) discussing about sustainability and discusses practical ideas and solutions that will give positive impact in the Eco & Marine Tourism sector in Terengganu. In this conference, the representatives discussing about a program relevant to Eco & Marine Tourism where the representatives are from industry players, State Government, Tour Guides, Tourism Organizers, and the public. This conference was held on 10 October 2016 at Primula Beach Resort, Kuala Terengganu. In the first session, first presenter from World Wild life fund (WWF) Dr. Fazridah Akmal Wan Jusoh makes a conference about “Experiencing Setiu Wetlands: Connecting Communities and Conservation”.…show more content…
Discussing about A Hidden Eco- Tourism Treasure. For this session, the presenter more focus on the product that have in Cherating and promoting eco-tourism in Cherating. For the first, Cherating well known as surfing place. Until now, Cherating still actives as a surfing place and the best season for surfing is aroundnNovember to March. Other than that, Cherating also have a Turtle Hatchery that is managed by “Pak Su Cherating”. The turtle season is from April to September. In Cherating, mangrove trees grow along the Cherating River and this making the tree along river coast as home for fireflies. They also offer the trip to see firefly across the Cherating River. Mangrove swamps also serve as natural barriers against tsunamis and extreme weather, making the conservation of these swamps a high priority for coastal…show more content…
Setiu Wetlands is a combination peat swamp, mangroves, and brackish lagoons with vegetation and sand islands, sea grass beds and sandy beaches. It is also unique for having a variety of interconnected ecosystem, namely the sea, beach, mudflat, lagoon, estuary, river, islands, coastal forest and mangrove forest.Setiu Wetland also has many products like handicraft such as mengkuang, atap nipah from Nipa palm and vase from Nipa. This will give a big potential for local people to take advantage to promote Setiu Wetlands as a must place to visit and its will increase financial income among local people. They also have fish breeding like breeding grouper, tilapia and oyster. From all this resources, they provide the seafood based delicacies product like shrimp paste and fermented fish sauce. They can make Setiu Wetlands as a place that have a variety food based on delicacies and can attract tourist from others country to try their product. The Wetlands is an area of high biodiversity. The Wetlands is also home to some endangered species such as river terrapin, painted terrapin and green sea turtle. Tourist will come to Setiu Wetlands to see the varieties of biodiversity that they cannot feel in

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