Mexico Film Industry

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FILM INDUSTRY IN MEXICO AND INDIA Introduction In the media industry, film is the greatest and most popular industry as it capture people from different regions all over the world, not failing to mention people of different age range. Film industry consist of big corporation all over the world. Film industry can be accessed in various ways such as internet and other digitals content. More so, its accessible throughout by use of devices like tablets computes laptops television and smartphones. The Mexican uses the Hollywood while the Indian use the Bollywood which are the main. The Mexican uses the Hollywood after conversion from using the Golden age cinema. The Bollywood film industry influences the music industry and tells the Indian story…show more content…
Mexico started its film industry in era of 1895. The first film was produced by brothers known as Lumiere and the film name was the arrival of the train. It was first received by shock as most things in film were new and seemed scary to most people however with time it started becoming popular and up to date it has its fun. Cinema was mostly associated Mexico film industry which was no common in film industry in would this imposed the challenge of lack of financial support. After sometimes with support from the government Mexican film started getting financial support from private sectors which were mandatory required to financial aid as means of tax paying. Despite financial aid the Mexican film encountered other challenges that made the films not popular that is it was not viewed by most people. In the 1940 due to fall of united state the Mexican film started being popular. As for As for India its film industry origin was rather motivated with a sad story of a person called Hiatal who ill and about to die and on top of that his brother warehouse caught fire and unfortunately his ambitions of producing a film were cut short. Film production started in India in 1913 by Raja. The film was about people of different social class, selfness humility and compassion. Other films were produced thereafter in 1935, 1940, 1950 and 1955 the films were about love that…show more content…
First Film industry is used in India to influence the system. Films are used to raise political issues in India. It is used to preach nationalism and patriotism. Their various films such as Mother India filmed by Mahtook and Kachin that symbolized Indian nationalism that were used to bring oneness among the Indian people. They also used films to dismiss the stereotype thoughts that Muslims are terrorism an example phrase that was used in a film was “My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist”. Also since Indian films are highly involved in the political system it creates an ideal situation of a film star participating in politics having great support. Even in the history Mexican cinema has played part in the political system, this evidently seen by the production of a film called Rio Escondido that demonstrated challenging corruption, leaders that wanted to serve its people diligently. It seen that both film industries of Mexico and Asia promote country unity and creates awareness of great leaders and bad leaders. The political factors affect the film industry both countries. When the political climate is good in a particular country the film production grow as investor are encouraged to finance the film industry. Contrarily if the is a political imbalance the investors keep off. Also depending on the political relation with the film industry it can be a hindrances or a contributor to

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