When it comes to caring for the environment, is there a gender difference? Do women care more about their environment? Eco -feminists argue that there is commonality ground between women’s subordination and environmental destruction. The patriarchy and capitalism often subordinate the nature and the environment. In the society also we could see the reflection of the subordination in terms of women’s subordination. They never are mere reflections but also the worst situation. Women consistently rank values such as altruism, personal responsibility and empathy as more important than man do. These are values close to who are deeply concerned about the environment. Women also see environmentalism as important for protecting themselves and their…show more content… VI. Review of Literature
Eco feminist tries to make the investigation on the relationship between women and nature. For them, oppression and subordination of women and the destruction of the nature are the result of the patriarchal and capitalist system of the society. All eco-feminist tries bringing up the relation and subordination of women in nature, through various lenses.
Here Merchant (1992) discus on various lens of eco-feminism as radical eco-feminist, social ec0-feminst, cultural eco feminist. The radical eco-feminist analyzes the environmental problems and women’s subordination within the patriarchal and offers alternatives of this could liberate the both.
On the other way, social eco-feminist grounds the analysis on the capitalist patriarchy. Whereas total restructure of the social structure through a socialist revolution could change the life of nature and women.
Whereas, Cultural eco-feminism focus on the relation between the women’s reproductive biology and the manmade technology - as nature and culture. In patriarchal sense, nature is inferior culture. And a thus conclude that women inferior to men. Thus the domination and oppression of women and domination and exploitation of nature go in the same…show more content… Here the researcher conduct the study among the women leaders of the movement with the help to immediate conducts and then build the study towards the other women participants in the movement in spite of whether they belong to the same community or not. And also the life study of the prominent women leaders of the movement.
The researcher conducts the study among the women leaders of the movement which the researcher could access primarily. And from these initial contacts to the other women leaders and other women participate of the local community and also outside the immediate affecting community. And also the life study of the main women leaders who lead the movement.
Objectives Research Question Evidence Methods
To understand women’s participation in the environmental movement against the Athirappilly dam project, Kerala. Who are the women who participated in the movement? Statement of the women leaders in the movement Focus group