Ecab Case Study

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TASK 2 (P2.1, P2.2, P2.3) (P2.1) Ecolab’s economic progress is to drive economic growth for their shareholders, employees, customers and communities. This will provide the potential output of the company and the growth and development will give more opportunities to the company to produce more vital resources to contribute to the world and meet the demands and satisfaction of the people. During the year 2011, Ecolab drove their business sales and earnings growth and attracted returns for shareholders. They expanded their relationships globally, provided exceptional customer service and earned new business. Their growth was developed by their delivered new product pipeline; it improved the performance, environmental benefits and cost savings.…show more content…
For example, Ecolab’s economy based is experiencing recession which means the rates of the business has lowered due to increase of taxes and can lose potential employees in the company which brings a huge impact to the company. Losing potential employees can be a challenge for Ecolab, after surviving recession, recruitment or replacement of those potential employees can be difficult to develop and time-consuming trainings of how to maintain and support vital resources might be apprehended. This policy may also force Ecolab to charge more money to customers for their products and services which can bring a disadvantage for the organization as they are competitors who have less charge on products and services and act as a substitute for the…show more content…
This policy lessens money supply which can affect the development and production in Ecolab when they need to borrow money for these activities to improve the organization. (P2.3) All businesses have competitors. Competition policy is to promote competitions, make markets work better, and enhance competitiveness of the businesses. It monitors the agreements between companies that restrict competition to avoid any unfair arrangements, abuse of a dominant position, mergers where companies join forces, liberalization, and state aid for companies. Competition brings impact to businesses because it encourages enterprise and efficiency, creates a wider choice of consumers and helps reduce prices and improve quality. As for Ecolab, they ensure that their services are satisfying to consumer’s demands and sustainability in their provided vital resources. Service Master, on the other hand, is one of the competitors of Ecolab which provides direct services to consumers in cleaning their homes quick and provide house cleaning tips for them and provide foundation to safe food and water to the business or family by guiding on managing assets

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