Dormitory Thesis

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1. Introduction Dormitory is a facility inside or outside the school campus wherein the students pay their monthly board and lodging fee. These University or non-university building contains sleeping quarters and are used for mixed purposes, like sleeping, studying and recreating. Purposed of Dormitory Students have the chance to learn on how to become an independent person with disciplinary actions and good behavior. It also improves character formation under the circumstances capable for intellectual pursuits. Advantages and Disadvantages of Dorm Life Advantages  Can arrive at classes or other school activities without due care or effort.  Can develop students’ extroverted skills.  Can have company with other students.  Can have a free…show more content…
Rationale In 1200 number of students of Batangas State University campus many of them are came from far places. Some of the student’s are experiencing difficulty in commuting from their house to school. So I have decided to propose a Three-Storey Dormitory/Commercial building that will surely provide all their needs since the school is away from their home and not readily accessible to market. 3. Background Information According to the town profile of Balayan, it is a 1st class municipality in the first district of Batangas cradling both flourishing agricultural and industrial communities. It is located at the center of Western Batangas with a total land area of 108.73 km² (Town Profile | Municipality of Balayan, Batangas, 2015). Based on the 2010 Philippine Census of Population and Housing, it has a population of 81,805 people. The most populous Barangay is Barangay Caloocan, with 4,888 inhabitants, while the least populous Barangay 12 with only 300 inhabitants (2010 Census of Population and Housing, 2010). 4. General Description a. Project description  Name of the Project. The proposal of a Three-Storey Dormitory building. The project aims to provide all the needs of the students of Batangas State University Balayan…show more content…
Objectives The main objectives of this project are:  To construct and design a Three-Storey Dormitory building that will provide all the needs of the students of Batangas State University Balayan campus.  To provide a well secured home.  To give a good, accessible and completely equipped place to live.  To provide a best home for those away from home. d. Scope of Work Construction engineering and structural engineering are the two fields of civil engineering that are concerned with the project. It is very important that the structure will be adequate to resist gravity loads that are caused by the structures and occupants, and lateral forces that result from seismic forces. The following are for the construction of the structure and preparation of the site:  Clearing and Grubbing  Excavation and cut/fill of land.  Construction of footings, columns, beams, slabs.  Installation and organization of water and sewer lines.  Power distribution system.  Installation of doors, windows, ceiling and others (Guilbuena, Itable, & Khaled, 2014). e. Socioeconomic
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