Beijing Opera Goals

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People can be better by improving themselves. It is important to set a personal development goal in order to improve oneself. Learning Beijing Opera is a good choice because there are many things that many things that you can learn from learning Beijing Opera. The three things I learned that will help me meet my Personal Develop Project Goals are gaining my personal skills, gaining my personal wellness, and gaining more knowledge about Chinese culture. Learning Beijing Opera can gain the skills of memorizing things and finding the balance of two things, which can help me meet my personal development goal. Because Beijing Opera is a kind of complicated opera, it has the requirements of memorizing things and finding the balance of things. On one hand, learning Beijing Opera can gain the skill of memorizing things through remembering the thousands of words and the notes…show more content…
People can know more about Chinese culture and traditions by learning Beijing opera, for the Chinese traditional Beijing Opera has hundreds years’ history. Beijing Opera inherits and develops the artistic essence of classical Chinese opera, so Beijing Opera can be regarded as the integrator of Chinese opera (“The Advantages of Learning Beijing Opera”). This shows that Beijing Opera has a long history, which is very important for helping me gain Chinese culture because it gathered most of the Chinese operas. Learning Beijing Opera can protect the traditional Chinese culture and avoid the losing of Chinese culture (“The Benefits of Learning Beijing Opera”) Many Chinese traditional stories have been put into Beijing Opera, so learning Beijing Opera is a way to protect Chinese culture. In general, learning Beijing Opera is a good way to help me to know Chinese culture because Beijing Opera has a long history, and the stories of the opera can show the traditions of

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