Counter Urbanization In Hilton

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INTRODUCTION: Hilton is positioned 10 Km west of the escarpment above Pietermaritzburg’s northern suburbs in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It forms part of the Umgeni District situated on the periphery of Pietermaritzburg. Other areas such as Howick and Nottingham Road are within a reasonable distance. Hiltons geographical co-ordinates are 29 33’ 0’’ South. 30 18’ 0’’East. Hilton is a small town covering only 30.90 km squared. Hilton’s relatively flat landscape has allowed for easy construction for further expansion. The N3 Freeway and R103 pass through Hilton providing a corridor for development. Figure 1 below shows the geographical location of Hilton, KwaZulu–Natal. Transport links are easily accessible from nearly all areas of Hilton as…show more content…
Through understanding this, the municipality is able to better its town planning to allow Hilton to develop in a more sustainable way by implementing rules and regulations with regards to living in Hilton as well as the use of Municipal services. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Source 1: Beaver, T.2011.When Town Comes To The Countryside.Natal Witness.8 September. Pg 1. According to Beaver (2011), Hilton is becoming a casualty of urban sprawl. The semi-rural village has changed as a result of development of infustructure and the migration of people to the area. However, due to the lack of town planning,urban sprawl has occurred putting much strain on the municipal service delivery in Hilton. Hilton is situated along the N3, making it the ideal for development and growth. The development of new infrustruture to accommodate this housing boom has had a great impact on the avaliabilty of…show more content…
A child born of the apartheid era that carries the guilt of her forefather’s political decisions and somehow believes that we ‘deserve’ the poor service delivery we now have. We quietly get on with our work, pay our tax money and adjust our lives to deal with the non-service we receive. We do not organize marches or burn tyres in the road or dance about shouting our discontent. We just get on with things as best we can. This has to STOP!. We pay income tax, VAT, duties, rates and levies and we deserve a voice. At my residence I pay high rates but get no sewage removal, no rubbish collection, no streetlights and no maintenance. Our electricity supply is so sketchy (even taking load shedding out of the equation) that we all have alternative power sources. And still we shut up and go about our business. But now for the last two weeks, we have had no water supply. A lack of electricity and general services can be dealt with, but water is something nobody can live without. Numerous calls to the uMgungundlovu Municipality have elicited responses as

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