Discriminatory Ethical Issues

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You are correct. Ultimately, not hiring a diverse workforce could be viewed as discriminatory, which would be an ethical issue. In fact, lack of diversity not only is an ethical issue, but it can be illegal (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2015). Additionally, there are several laws, such as the Age Discrimination in Employment, Affirmative Action Programs, Americans with Disabilities Act, and a plethora of others that prohibit discriminatory practices (Ferrell et al., 2015). Furthermore, there are regulatory agencies, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, available to assist in the event of discriminatory acts (Ferrell et al., 2015). Interestingly, I find your assessment of egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, care ethics, and virtue ethics inciteful and curious. Contrarily, business ethics is the study of duty from a philosophical standpoint, while deontology is a precise application from the applied science viewpoint (Constantin, 2014). Additionally, you state egoism is an ethical theory; however, it is more the absence of ethics. Ethics is defined as honesty, fairness, and integrity (Bethel, 2015). No where is it mentioned that selfishness is a form of ethics, in contrast it is a violation of ethics, with self interest being a core issue (Machan, 2013). Undoubtedly, it would be hard to be fair and self-centered.…show more content…
Certainly, they have a more detailed list of best practices, but it was evident from their site that they encourage excellence in revenue and payment cycle management by connecting payers, providers, and patients in the healthcare system (Emdeon,

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