Hr Discrimination In Emirates Airlines

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Introduction Emirates is an airline company based in Dubai, UAE. It belongs to Emirates Group (Gulfnews, 2008). They are “the world’s fourth largest combined air services provider with over 20,000 employees across five continents” (Emirates Group, n.d.). With branches all over world, and large number of employees of different nationalities, races, gender and age, it is imperative for Emirates airlines to have a strict HR discrimination policy and regulations in place. Just recently Emirates came under fire for an open and blatant discriminatory behavior when they rejected otherwise a perfect candidate due to a medical check that showed prior history of depression. Under such a scrutiny of public eye it is imperative for Emirates Airlines…show more content…
Harassment is any verbal, physical or visual conduct of offensive nature. Discriminative and harassing conduct includes any behaviors that cause physical or mental harm to any member of community, which affect their employability opportunities and/or possible work benefits, affect work performance, and create hostile and intimidating work environment. Bases of Discrimination Any type of harmful behavior on bases of age, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, gender, physical or mental disability is unacceptable and punishable. Bases of discrimination include: • Age – no member of Emirates Airlines Community is to be discriminated against based on his or her age. • Race – each member is to be treated fairy by all regardless of their race. • Religion- each member is to be treated fairly regardless of his or her religious beliefs. All members of Emirates Airlines are allowed to celebrate their respective religious holidays, and are accordingly allowed same number of paid off days. • Nationality – no member is to be discriminated based on his or her nationality. • Ethnicity – no member is to be discriminated regardless of his/her…show more content…
First step includes informal or formal complaint against harassment of same rank employees to direct line manager. If not resolved, or in case a complaint is against direct line manager formal complaint can be further made to a head of department. If head of department fails to resolve conflict, or complaint is against head of department, next step is to log a complaint with HRM Department. As last internal solution, complaint can be made to Board of Directors in case HRM department has failed to ensure resolution of conflict, or if the HRM department is perpetrator of prohibited conduct. If Emirates Airlines Community fails, the issue is to be raised with The Dubai Executive Council. The important issues to consider are: • Keep documentation – if facing discrimination or harassment the first step is to document what happened, when did it happen, and was there any witnesses. Also keep any incriminating correspondence such as harassing emails, letters, office notes, or messages. • Follow the reporting procedures – it is important to report any harassment or discriminatory behavior in order to prevent formation of hostile and intimidating work environment, to prevent such incidents from being repeated, and to conduct corrective measures against perpetrators of prohibited

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