Disadvantages Of Religion

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Estelle doesn’t believe in religions and thinks that they were just a clever way to control the vast majority of people by a few men who took advantage of the masses and gained power and wealth through terrifying them of God whom they should love and fear, which is another paradox she couldn’t swallow, as how can you fear what you love. Gordon Douglas is another writer who dedicated a lot of his time and works to debating the need for religions. He summarized his ideas in three concepts, first that you don’t really need religion to be a good person. The contrary might be true. You become a good person for a several reasons such as the desire to be loved by people around you, to enjoy my life, and myself to be a happy person. I don’t need…show more content…
People of different religions, walks of life, professions and personalities were given the chance to put whatever they find of value to support the argument. A participant called Jessica wrote that she doesn’t believe as she thinks that religions have caused a lot of troubles. She argued that most of the wars in the world have happened because of religion. Another weakness point is that religions are probably created by sensitive or weak people who couldn’t stand sad incidents and facts as the deaths of their loved and thus felt it more relaxing if they created the myths that their dear ones will live again in an…show more content…
That came in his famous statement that was later used by the communist revolution as its motto "Religion is the opium of the people". The complete quote from Karl Marx reads: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people". Marx meant by this that religion was man made with the sole purpose and goal of manipulating the less privileged poor and disadvantaged masses. The foundation of this was based on the fact that man is the one who makes religion; but religion does not make the man. Marxists believed that the destruction of religion, which serves as a tool used to create unreal and imaginary happiness, is a must if people were to achieve their real
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