The Caste System In India

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Let’s first start with caste system on the basis of Varna system. People were divided into four groups: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Many castes were traditionally related with their occupation, such as high-ranking Brahmans; middle-ranking farmer and very low-ranking untouchable. Untouchable is fifth category. The Mandal Commission which was established by the Janata Party government under Morarji Desai with a mandate to "identify the socially or educationally backward. The caste system continues to operate, but changes are occurring continuously. Our constitution says basic rights to all its citizens which including the right to equality.The practice of untouchability, as well as discrimination on the basis of caste, race, sex,…show more content…
Dalits are not allowed to enter Hindu temples and to use village wells in India. There were movements against caste system by Bhimrao Ambedkar. Taking these issues, Ambedkar transformed caste as a political form for the first time. Ambedkar raised many issues related to discrimination of caste, partiality, racism, equality for women. Ambedkar was first Law Minister of India. He proposed many laws related to discrimination of the caste system. He run several campaign against caste system and became successful also in his motive. After independence, Article 17 of constitution is outlawed the untouchability in India. There were many law implemented in India related to caste. Introduction of Democracy in India introduced a big change in the caste system. With help of politics, all castes are treated as equal like laws were made. Identities of caste have evolved to high value that castes are not create any problem in regular life. Involvement of caste in politics give many opportunities for job, education. Lower caste are gained more status, power with the help of politics. Indian constitution provides us right to education. Education is key to success in life. Indian constitution made provisions to reserved seats in Govt. education institutes and…show more content…
Reservation helps lower castes to improve their states and opens every door for education. Kaviraj said “democracy of castes in place of a ‘hierarchy’”4. These are some unexpected changes has the traditional institution of caste undergone with the introduction of democracy in India. The caste become an inescapable category in addressing the issue of empowering historically marginalized groups in India because lower castes suffered from historical disadvantages. Dr. Ambedkar raised many incidents happened with him on the basis of his caste. He showed the reality of caste system India how upper caste behave with lower caste. What is the situation of Lower caste. Lower caste didn’t get lots of opportunities which they can get them today. These castes were suffered from discrimination and racism. To improve their conditions, these categories are common discussion points. There were many historical law were implemented because of these caste system. They are popular subjects in history of India thats why caste become an inescapable category. Another reason for the same is marginal group were created due to that hierarchical caste system. It divides the whole society. Society is main part of a Nation. To improve Nation, improve quality life of citizens but in india biggest issue among citizen is caste that why caste is an inescapable category. Scheduled castes were listed for special privileges in the constitution. I

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