Disadvantages Of Power

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“Power is the intentional influence over beliefs, emotions and behavior of the people. One exerts power over another to the degree that he is able to exact compliance as desired”- RGH Siu “A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would otherwise not do”- RA Dahl Power is to bring about the outcomes they desire. It is the capacity to effect or affect organizational outcomes. Concept of power is ubiquitous without which individuals may have no cohesiveness and no society. Likewise, in domains of economy, finance, spirituality, medicine, ethics, humanity, organizational activities would have been altogether stood different as their contemporary status. On the darker side, in the absence of power, confiscation,…show more content…
The possible bases of power are control of resources, control of Technical skill, control of knowledge, legal prerogative, and access to those who have power based on the any of them. The potential influencers in an organization are board of directors, managers, top executives, employee Union, suppliers, customers, regulators, government of the day, etc. The inference must have both the will and the skill to use the power they don't worth it. Politics Defined: The story of who gets what, when and how- Harold Lasswell Organizational politics involves those activities taken within organization to acquire develop and use power and other resources to obtain one's preferred outcomes in a situation in which there is uncertainty or dissensus about choices- Pfeffer Organizational politics involves intentional acts of influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of individuals or groups. Politics is a subset of power, and informal power, illegitimate in nature. Also authority is a subset of power, butter formal power is the capacity to get things done by virtue of the position held. Concept of power and politics are somewhat similar as they both relate to bringing an effect and change & overcoming the resistance of…show more content…
The negative phase of politics is extreme pursuit of self-interest and unsocialized need to dominate others, tendency to view situations in win-lose terms i.e. if I win, you lose, rather than Win-Win terms. This includes techniques of secrecy, surprise, holding hidden agendas, withholding information, deceiving. This promotes illegitimate use of authority, information and resources. On the other side positive face is a balanced pursuit of self-interest and the interest of others. It is symbolized by engaging in open problem solving and relative absence of the above tactics. Political climate of an organization can be studied by looking into the methods of resource allocation, conflict resolution and choosing an alternative means and
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