Essay On Metal Detectors

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Metal detectors are devices specially designed to detect metals that lie deep in the water or ground. When it was invented, it is specifically designed for screening or security purposes and to locate mines. There is a lot of industry which uses metal detectors such as food processing, textiles, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, packaging and plastic industries. It is important to check the foods for metal debris to avoid food poisoning. Those metals debris can be broken down to pieces on the machinery in food processing industry. On the other hand, you may find a lot of people that use metal detectors in hunting for treasures and old coins that are electronically driven. So, you might wonder how this thing work to detect metals that are hidden or how metal detector that is hand held work. So let's take a closer look at these detectors to know how they work. Metal Detectors: How Do They Work? Generally, metal detectors work on the fundamental principle that when electric current pass through a loop it will produce a magnetic field. One of the basic parts of a detector is an oscillator; it will produce the alternating current. Magnetic field is produced when an alternating current or electricity pass through the transmittal coil which is present in metal detectors. So, when a metallic object or a conductor is…show more content…
However, it is also possible to use 2 to 3 coils. Metal detector that works in this kind of technology can send a short burst and /or pulse of current in the coil that will generate a shorter magnetic field. In every pulse, the generated magnetic field will reverse the polarity and will eventually collapse. Electrical spike can be created and will last in very short period. When the magnetic field, pulse and spike collapses, a known current called as reflected pulse will occur and into the coil it will run. This reflected pulse can only last in

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