Disadvantages Of Internet Technology

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Prior to the introduction of the internet telecom networks focused mainly on voice and sms services, but recently the capabilities of the internet have been constantly transforming; increasing India’s internet usage by 24% between 2010 and 2012 (Gnanasambandam, Madgavkar, Kaka, Manyika, Chui, Bughin & Gomes, 2012). The types of internet activity included; access to the information domain (news, financial and academic information); interpersonal communication (social networking, email, instant messaging, video conferencing, whatsapp); banking, general browsing; and online shopping (Gnanasambandam et al., 2012). Currently, India has the third highest internet usage in the world; 120 million users (Singh, 2013). Internet’s role in communication,…show more content…
The costs of the internet need to be cut and fibre optics cables need to be installed not only to urban areas as well as rural areas. With high speed internet connections throughout India; digital literacy will increase. At the moment only 35% of businesses are online but with more internet connectivity, more businesses can enter the online spectrum. (Gnanasambandam et al., 2012). According to Gnanasambandam et al., (2012), India’s internet user based is likely to treble by 2015 because of telecom strategies to reduce the cost of access (by reducing the costs of smart phones), and the change from fixed line connections to 3G and 4G services, further enabling people to access the internet via mobile devices. The Ultra Wideband technology will offer better quality services (e.g. video and sound), more sophistication in association of a large quantity of information, and improved personalization (Muvva, Maipaksana, & Reddy 2012). This shift will affect various. According to Muvva, Maipaksana, and Reddy (2012) the improved technology will have the following…show more content…
The deterministic view sees the internet is responsible for creating a generation that has a more sophisticated knowledge and posses the skills to work technology as well as being able to exist in a digital space where they can express themselves in the culture of a digital space where learning and social preferences differ from what is offline. Mesh (2009) criticizes this view and suggests that determinism ignores the material conditions and social environment in which these technologies operate. Using digital domain transcends the geographical barriers and allows individuals to be co-producers of internet content reaching global
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