Computer Network Advantages And Disadvantages

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Computer network • Computer network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers. • Two computers are said to be interconnected if they are able to exchange information. Types of networks • Computer networks can be categorized by their size as well as their purpose. o PAN: Personal Area Network o LAN: Local Area Network o WAN: Wide Area Network o MAN: Metropolitan Area Network o SAN: Storage Area Network o CAN: Campus Area Network o WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network PAN- Personal Area Network • PAN is a computer network organized around an individual person/home. • PAN typically involves one or more computers, laptops, mobile phones, printers, cameras, video game consoles and other personal entertainment devices. • PAN may be…show more content…
• Terminator stops signals after reaching end of wire to prevent signal bounce. • Bus topology may have problems while multiple hosts sending data at the same time. Therefore, bus topology uses CSMA/CD technology. Advantages and disadvantages of bus topology: • Advantages:- o Low cost o Easy to connect/ add a computer or peripheral to bus. o Requires less cable length than a star topology. o No need to purchase any additional devices such as switch and hub. • Disadvantages:- o Entire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable. o Terminators are required at both ends of the back bone cable. Ring topology • Each host machine connects to exactly two other machines, creating a circular network structure. • Data transmitted in one direction only, so that data circulate around the ring in one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise). • It is a circle that has no start and no end. Terminators are not necessary. • One method for passing data on ring networks is token passing. When one host tries to communicate or send message to a host which is not adjacent to it, the data travels through all intermediate
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