Disadvantages Of European Integration

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The European integration is an historical process, which has attempted to incorporate European states over the last sixty years. The idea of an union between the European states has been developed from the 50s to the current system (the European Union), throughout different evolutionary phases. Mainly on a economic level and recently more political, this development has sought to unify different systems and national identities (Malloy 2005). The 1989 events definitely mutated dynamics and directions of the European integration. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, open markets, democratic systems, security and freedoms have attracted people who used to live under state socialism. The European Union (EU) represented a fascinating alternative model,…show more content…
Member States organize their structure for coordinating national positions at best. National governments seek to export into EU their domestic political models, as they can import ideas and good practice. In this sense Europeanization is a two-ways process: European integration shapes domestic policies, politics and polities but Members also project themselves by seeking to construct the trajectory of EU considering their own national interests. Referring to Europeanization as the adoption of EU rules and norms in light of the accession to the EU, the debate is whatever positive or negative effects Europeanization has. Indeed, EU harmonization is complex and will take time. A recurrent complain is that candidate countries are aiming for a target, which is moving, changing and became more demanding (Chiodi 2014). “Enlargement can only succeed if it is a social project involving all citizens and not just an elite. Only genuine participation can achieve this. Information is not enough. We have to set in motion a wide-ranging dialogue in our societies to make the risks and benefits clear to people and let them know that their concerns are being taken seriously” (European Commission

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