Importance Of Migration Policy

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Migration policy is based on the principles of the objectively determined goals of constitutional system, including objectives, trends in the development of public relations in the field of migration, the rules of immigration legislation, as well as state control mechanisms (individuals, non-governmental organizations, public authorities). It is aimed on moving, relocation, accommodation, construction and integration of individuals in the state and (or) in some of its regions, provided with stimulating and controlling factors. Migration is an objective process, integral feature of globalization, and is caused by the uneven development of individual regions of the globe. Governments around the world quite favorably perceive a circulation of…show more content…
The objects of regulation are migratory flows and the associated social and economic consequences. Universal international principles and standards developed in the field of migration management include: freedom of movement and choice of residence; the prohibition of expulsion; non-discrimination; facilitate family reunification; access to courts. These rules are fixed in universal international human rights documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) and other documents. Legal regulation of migration of EU citizens is of great importance in the structure of EU law. Freedom of people movement is regarded as an element of the common market, an area of freedom, security and justice, a common consequence of European citizenship. It includes regulation of issues such as staying (living) of EU citizens in the territory of the Union, movement of workers, including warning about the new members, and family…show more content…
Suсh а pаth wоuld nоt оnly hаrm іt еcоnomіcally, but іt wоuld аlso dаmage іts pоsitive imаge – аn асcomplishment оf whіch thе Eurоpеans shоuld bе prоud. Moreover, mоst іmportаntly, buіldіng fеnces оr аdopting vаrious vеrsions оf nоn-еntrée pоlicies dоes nоt sоlve thе prоblem іn аny wаy. The development of EU migration policy has been proposed by the European Commission in the context of the policy objectives of the European integration, and especially as part of a "space of freedom, security and law and order” in the European Union. According to, more than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, compared with just 280,000 the year before. The scale of the crisis continues, with more than 135,000 people arriving in the first two months of 2016. Among the forces driving people to make the dangerous journey are the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The vast majority - more than 80% - of those who reached Europe by boat in 2015 came from those three countries. Other reasons are poverty, human rights abuses and deteriorating security. Therefore, there are such countries as Eritrea, Pakistan, Morocco, Iran and Somalia looking for a better life in Germany, Sweden or the
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