Colaborative Concept Development Advantages And Disadvantages

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Journal Article: Critique Collaborative concept development using supplier competitions: Insights from the automotive industry. Benedikt Langner, Victor P.Sidel Achieving business excellence alongside rapid technological innovations in the current world, especially in the automotive industry, the organizations have to compete and innovate for their competitive advantage. Firms have to thrive for distinction by not only maintaining good relationships between the players in the supply chain, especially the suppliers and the manufacturers; but also collaborating robustly, which is gaining high importance. How early should a collaboration with suppliers begin is a pondering question to every manufacturer? However, this leads to mention that the…show more content…
Then the authors define the concept of collaboration with the advantages and disadvantages transiting to discuss the practices for its successful management. This brings in the relevance to identify what practices work best. The case based methodology used to conduct interviews with hierarchical and responsible managers’, identifies respective and relative scenarios to capture the uniqueness of the process. Thereafter, the process of Collaborative concept development is explicitly stated with the overview of the three phases of the concept, following each phase detailing and finally addressing the differences found between the firms in the…show more content…
Reader can find at least one table for each section that summarizes exactly the gist of the content in a very structured manner. Nevertheless, it allows to point out that supplementing to the tables, there subsists same text that is redundant and this could have been avoided. Langner and Seidel further discusses the mainframe of the research, inferring the analysis of how certain factor influenced the dynamic relationships between manufacturers and suppliers from initializing the concept/idea till viable working system. The two main implications derived from the analysis seem practical and viable. The other positive edge on this paper is that the focus is on both the OEMs’ and suppliers’ perspective rather than solo focus, which gives holistic approach to the study. The authors not only draw some straight and broad inferences, but also the limitations. This section also informs the range of results applicability to other design systems due to their broader coverage of interviews with other product’s owners with the same studied firms. Here, the collaborative concept however seem as a process that can be applied to some common grounds inferred from the study, but that alone is not sufficient. As the article studies successful cases, it sets limitations to generalize or to convince the reader that the concept can always be

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