Disadvantages Of Electronic Health Record

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The electronic health record (EHR) was used in the late 1990’s when it replaced the term computer-based patient record (CPR). The term electronic health record and electronic medical record (EMR) are used interchangeably. The EHR can stock patient data, forward that material to providers on request, allow clinicians to submit orders directly into a computerized provider order entry system and more. EHR is defines as an electronic version of a patients records that are kept over time by a physician and authorized by clinicians and staff through more than one health care organization. There are benefits that go into three components. They are quality, outcomes and safety; efficiency, productivity, and cost reduction; and service and satisfaction…show more content…
Without EHR, physicians sometimes need to retake tests to get the best results. Also, EHR can provide reminders to give prescriptions of generic drugs to help patients save money. Studies have shown that EHR can reduce costs for medical providers. This is because it costs money to retrieve and store paper medical records. For example, the book says, “the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center estimated that it realized space savings of two thousand square feet after implementing EHR, equating to a savings of approximately $100,000 a year” (Wagner, Lee, Glaser, 2013, p. 143). There are other cases where the implementation of EHR saved organizations thousand. There were studies that showed writing a prescription is slightly faster than an electronic prescription. This study did not account for the time it takes to read the hand writing and also to process the prescription. The implementation of EHR is more efficient because tests do not need to be retaken. It is also productive because it can provide reminder to physicians of what generic brand to give to a patient. Finally, EHR is cost efficient. It helped medical providers save thousands a year by not needed to obtain and store paper medical…show more content…
It has increased the quality, outcome and safety of providing medical care because it can provide suggested way to respond in times of an emergency, it is easier to obtain information, it can reduce medical errors, and it secures patient information better than a paper file. Another benefit of electronic health records is the efficiency, productivity, and cost reduction. It has saved money for many medical facilities, it can provide reminders to prescribe the generic brand, and tests on patients do not have to be taken twice because they will be accurate the first time because of EHR. The final benefit of EHR is the service and satisfaction it provides. The physician and the patient are both happier with electronic records rather than paper. EHR is still young and continues to develop. It is exciting to see how else electronic health records will change the medical

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