Double Jeopardy Analysis

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The book Double Jeopardy is a fictional story of the hardy boy brothers in another mystery one involving the race the Formula One Championship. In the book the Hardys meet people such as #1 and #2 Manion Cristal and Hugh Conney Manion only is one point ahead of Hugh and the argument between them is heated especially since a fight broke out between them during a press conference. After the press conference they meet J.J. Manions timekeeper who, after the conference takes them out for pizza and tells them that Manion has been receiving threatening messages and the Hardys promise to look over it and J.J. says he will get them copies of the original messages and he also gets them cards to get into Manions garage if they ever need to. The next…show more content…
After looking at pictures from the crash they took they find the water bottle was there, but when they go to look at the car itself, it isn't and later on when Manion leaves the hospital despite the doctors not wanting him to they find out Manion has disappeared and Hugh was arrested because of it because a "eyewitness" saw Hugh carry Manion off. Soon after Hugh Is arrested the Hardys meet a Hugh fan named Becky and she wanted the Hardys to help that Hugh is innocent, so Becky leads Joe into Hughs garage and then the garage catches fire because someone drops a rag doused with car oil into the garage and it catches fire and they don't know who could have done it but soon they have an idea. The Hardys suspect is Doobie Pano he's in town and is Manions former owner and after Manion left him he went bankrupt and blamed Manion they do find out were he is staying and when they get into his hotel room they find evidence linking him to the fire but they find him unconscious under his bed and they call the police and tell the police what they know then they go to the race where Manion has reappeared and they get there at the right time considering that J.J. gets the results of the fluid in the drinking bottle and it was poisoned causing Manion to pass out they blame Hug but the Hardys think it may be someone
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