The Pros And Cons Of Electronic Health Records

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What does Electronic Health Records mean to you? Well I can tell you what it means to me as a Medical Assistant in a medical office setting. Electronic Health Records improves their ability to make better decisions regarding a patient’s care due to having more information all the patient’s information at your fingertips. I will be sharing the pros and cons of Electronic Health Records throughout my paper. What are some pros to Electronic Health Records? The access to accurate and complete information about a patient's health, the ability to better coordinate the care they give, and a way to share information with patients and their family caregivers. First, electronic Health Records provide medical staff with accurate and complete information about a patient's health. This allows…show more content…
Therefore, EHR gives you the ability to efficiently provide care by allowing you to access to information about a patient's medical history, allergies, and medications. Second, the ability to better coordinate the care for patients. I work in a pediatric endocrinology office in which a team of providers is required to best serve patient needs. The use of physicians, specialists, nurses, technicians, and other clinicians are often used in which “Electronic health record (EHR) systems can decrease the fragmentation of care by improving care coordination. EHRs have the potential to integrate and organize patient health information and facilitate its instant distribution among all authorized providers involved in a patient's care. For example, EHR alerts can be used to notify providers when a patient has been in the hospital, Allowing them to proactively follow up with the patient” (, 2014). As a person that provides care to patients I can say that there are many hands in the pot so to speak and

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