Disadvantages Of Cv

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INTRODUCTION In the new era recent technological developments like getting knowledgeable information from internet, and other uses of internet like blogs creations, YouTube uses have resulted in using a paper written CV’s less attractive. Recently the new CV’s that creative people are looking for are video CV, a short, self-made video presents the applicants education and experiences with visual aids and auditory information. It allows catching the recipient’s attention, as it delivers much more information about the applicant. Video CV’s turn out to be more effective than the written traditional paper resumes. A video resume is a way for job seekers to show their abilities beyond the capabilities of a traditional paper resume such as submitting a written CV, cover letter and work samples. It is a short video created and uploaded to the Internet for prospective employers to review by an applicant to seek for employment. A video CV can be created by the applicant’s self either the applicant use help from a professional. The video CV describes the applicant’s skills, experiences and educational details.…show more content…
It is possible to maintain a professional tone and convey the enthusiasm much more clearly than writing it on a paper. Most employers prefer positive attitude and interesting personality in an applicant, a video CV can provide the opportunity to show the employer, the real talents, professionalism and enthusiasm of the applicant rather than just telling the employer, as most of the time employers believe what they see rather than what they hear. The applicant can communicate with the potential employer directly and display their personality as well as their skills and experiences. This is the most dynamic way and innovative way of inspecting the applicant and it might even guarantee the applicant in getting the job from the first

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