Organisational Management In Organizational Management

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Organizational Management – CEVA The organizational management can be characterized as the management practice of the business, keeping different tasks in mind and forming different departments for those works’ effective application. However, with the initiation of new-fangled technology, such as Internet and with the putting such technology into practice, the subject of organizational management becomes more decisive to drive the business productively. In fact, it becomes obligatory for each business to wait in the wings for incessant changes that keep coming in this digital era. Hence, each company has to implement change management, which involves comprehensive and operative response mechanism to the different changes in process, organizational…show more content…
TNT Company (Australia), established in 1946 and EGL (launching year- 1986, USA) were merged into the Apollo management LP in 2006 and they give a fresh name to this welded companies, “CEVA Logistics”. Hence, looking at the CEVA, it’s a fresh company and has only 10 years of age (John & Gunilla, 2009). On the other hand, talking about its management team, having operational activities in more than 170 countries, CEVA’s management team has been stuffed with the veteran logistics managers. Also, many of them have immense experiences in the supply chain management. For example, Xavier Urbain, Hakan Bicil, Brett Bissell, Rubin McDougal and so on are some of the members of its rich management team. In fact, it is packed with all types of experienced individuals (domain specific) in its management team, such as financial, HR, Supply management, commerce and so on (Rodeo & Tyan,…show more content…
It focuses upon the organization’s development and change domain to study the organizational structure in its real-time settings. In this process, development of diagnostic model, choices of data collection methods and conclusion deriving methods prove to be key factors to serve the foundation for diagnostic activities (Demers, 2007). In fact, if we use different diagnostic charts, such as cause-effect, check sheet, control chart, Histogram, Bar chart and so on, it helps us to point out desirable development areas and changes in general. It is found that diagnostic cycle consists of direction, goal choices, data collection, breakdown, construal, criticism, action preparation, execution, administering and valuation. For our concern, putting such cycle’s phases for our company CEVA, it will facilitate CEVA in a huge manner. It would be easy for CEVA to evaluate its current corporate structure and processes in order to keep intact its business performance. The enactment of the said stages of diagnosis, such as starting from the direction and ending with the valuation, it will indeed play a key role to find out gaps and areas that should be filled and enhanced respectively to gain higher productivity and efficiency digits for the said organization, CEVA
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