Designer Drugs

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The sound of an egg being cracked on the the side of a pan and it sizzling from the heat usually brings forth memories of breakfast and a delicious cheese omelette made by a parent. Eggs are used during Easter to symbolize new beginnings and birth and they support the hatching of a new chicken with the nutritious yoke. In the same way, in one of the most famous anti-drug campaigns the egg was used to show what happens to the brain when individuals are under the influence of narcotics. The thirty second PSA featured a man in a kitchen who explained that your brain was the egg and the cast iron pan was drugs and when combined your brain would be destroyed like the frying egg. The popularity of this PSA from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America…show more content…
Ecstasy, one of the first designer drugs was created in 1912, is also known as the “hug drug” because it handicaps the user’s inhibitions (“Designer Drugs”). By the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, certain substances like ecstasy are sorted into classes with Schedule I being the highest and the drugs that are included in it are believed to have no medical value (“Designer Drugs”). Along with ecstasy, LSD, heroin, and cannabis are included in that class. Ecstasy is shown to have side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and anxiety however, overdosage is rare and many users die from hypothermia from a drop in body temperature or from dehydration. Another synthetic drug, LSD or “acid” was created in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann and delivers similar effects to that of ecstasy. Lysergic acid diethylamide was used secretly by the CIA in their project MK-ULTRA and rose into popularity during the 1960s through the support of former Harvard psychology professor, Thomas Leary (“The History of LSD”). Finally, one of the newer synthetic drugs to be in use is Spice, a synthetic cannabis that elicits the same high as weed. Though there are hundreds of more synthetic drugs that are controlled through the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, these three are largely in use today at raves and

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