Mystery In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner Among the majority of literacy critics A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner is often praised for its expanding of a detective genre. However, from a re-reading of the ‘sudden twist leading to the murder mystery’ narrative, a question rises about the consistency of short story’s reading as a detective: why is it so? Why do it is interpreted as some kind of mystery at all? To re-read it as a simple descriptive story would mean to shackle the ground of every single major interpretation of the story, including the author’s one and a buzzing feminist discourse that rose around the story. This revision of Emily may redefine it to a reader as not simply a story of social oppression of a subject, but as a tale of a nihilistic order of symbolic restriction where subjective dimension beyond these social restrictions does not exist at all. In his essay…show more content…
There is also a structural similarity with early feminist stage play Trifles by Susan Glaspell about housewife murdering a husband but remains uncaught due to inability to notice obvious clues since seeing sheriff’s wife as a murderer is beyond social conventions. One of the strong points of Judith Fetterlay’s ‘A Rose for ‘A Rose for Emily’ is pointing out of narrators inability to enclose Emily’s character because of his social frames: ‘The narrator, looking from a patriarchal lens, does not see Emily at all but rather a figment of his own imagination’ (Fetterlay 492). The interpretation proposed here ironically accuses readers with inability to see the absurd and disconnected nature of the case due to narrative conventions, and the value of a short story then is a critique not of 19th century society, but of the modern

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