Deontology Theory And Utilitarian Theory

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Ethics have a lot of theories to explain a lot of things, but these are 2 theories that try of why you do certain things. Utilitarianism and Deontology are these two theories that we will talk about. The essence of Utilitarianism is that we need to seek for happiness; we need to see what the optimific action is. Optimific is the best ratio, the greatest balance of benefits over the drawbacks (Fundamentals of Ethics). Then this theory has 5 steps that we have to follow in order to can determine the best action. John Stuart a social reformer and a famous utilitarianism argue that “well-being” it’s the same thing than “happiness.” In this theory you can be Act utilitarianism (extreme): happiness is the only thing that has intrinsic value. [Intrinsic…show more content…
Her mother wasn’t in the house and his father could be in jail, I think that’s the reason why Termeh lies to the judge. Because she wants to be with his parents, also another reason was because in the school the kids start talking about Nadar and his "murder". Termeh was so sad about this, because everybody consider her father as a murderer. According to Deontology theory, Termeh lies to the judge because she doesn’t want to have her father in jail. She do bad, because this actions go against her ideals of religion and of the society, they have to be honorable people. If Termeh would act like this theory says she doesn’t think in the consequences she only made up this structure to "know" if this would work good. She had to formulate her maxim clearly; state what she intent to do, and why she intends to do it. She want to save his father because is her father and it’s her family. The second thing is she had to imagine a world in which everyone supports and acts on her maxim, and if she could realize that every people in the world act in order to save a family member, she could go to the last step, and…show more content…
She was afraid of being alone if his father goes to jail and his mother is in the house of her grandparents. I think this was one of the reasons that makes Termeh choose the lies instead of the truth. Also she had to make these 5 steps in order to know the optimific action, the one that have the best ratio. First she needs to figure out what has intrinsic value, then what is intrinsically bad?, after this she have to know what actions are available in the moment, the fourth step is determine what the value of the results of each action will be, and finally, choose the action that has the highest ratio of good to bad results. (Fundamentals of Ethics, 138) You have to look for the action that if optimific. I think if she uses this theory she would make this because she don’t want to have bad consequences, she only want to be happy by any means, even if she had to

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