Charles Mccullough Character Traits

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Charles McCullough is one of the most amazing and caring people you will ever meet. He always puts others first, and would rather make sure that the little birds have food than himself. Grandpa Chuck strives to be as giving and caring as possible. He is also the best husband, brother, father, and Grandpa anyone could ask for. At a young age my Grandpa was a very big troublemaker, as Charles became an adult he had a few different jobs, but his love for nature was always there. Charles McCollough was born on ___. His mother __ was very__, while his Father__ was very__. He has one older sister named__, and always made sure to be an extreme pest towards her. His first house was ____. He lived in _ different states and loved all of them. Grandpa Chuck had a pretty simple life, but he always livened it up with a little bit of mischief. Starting at a very young age Charles McCollough had a thirst for adventure and mischief. He also made sure that he was the stereotypical little brother, always attempting to annoy…show more content…
When he married his first wife they had two kids but sadly she passed away. After that he moved from Philadelphia to Las Vegas. Once he got here he fell in love with my Grammy and they got married. After they married, my Grammy and Grandpa didn't have any kids but they did have one grandkid on the way. As he got older myGrandpa’s love for nature grew stronger. Once Charles retired he felt bored and like he had nothing to do. He soon began reading books, drawing, and fixing anything and everything. Charles loves fixing things and making things. He has made my family a knife holder, bottle openers, and coat racks, he also made me a personalized mini trash can. He has also taught me a lot of what I know about English. When I was little he would give me really hard words to spell, or teach me about words and their Latin origins. Even though my Grandpa loves all of these things he loves nature even

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