Hr Practices Of Maruti Suzuki

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INTRODUCTION • HR Practices: HR Practices refers to the management of people into the organisation. It helps to develop the skills, abilities and motivate the employees towards the organisation and its goals. • Processes of HR Practices: 1) Training: Training is the process in which the employees are given training according to the desired job in the organisation so they can perform the tasks in an appropriate way and get the knowledge related to the organisation it perform day to day tasks. 2) Development: Development is the process in which the employees have to undergo the process of development to help them develops the skills, abilities of individuals according to the organisation. 3) Motivation: Motivation is the process in which…show more content…
2) They are provided with the compensation. 3) The environment in the organisation is of doing work collaboratively within the employees or different levels of the organisation. 4) They give respect for mankind. 5) They overcome various challenges within the organisation. 6) They develop the skills of employees who are not able to fulfil the targets. 7) They help the individual in increasing the productivity. 8) They work with the team spirit at each level of the organisation. POLICIES OF MARUTI SUZUKI The policies of Maruti Suzuki are as follows : 1) Quality Policy: The quality policies refers to the satisfaction of the consumer from regular changes into the products and services by the process of implementing the “Plan Do Check Act” at all the levels of…show more content…
The policies are a) To reduce the pressure on nature. b) Maintaining the environment c) Strictly checking on natural laws and meeting the standards. FINDINGS The findings from this report is : 1) Recruitment Process: a) The employees are given transfers from one department to the other department to maintain the efficiency into the organisation. b) The employees are promoted from one position to another position into the organisation if they perform the tasks effectively and efficiently. c) The retired and retrenched employees are also enrolled back if there is any kind of shortage of skilled employees. 2) Training and Development Process: a) It gives the opportunities for the development of individuals. b) It helps employees to develop their skills, knowledge and it helps to explore overall personality of the employees. c) It helps the employees to know well about the organisation and how it performs the task and what are the goals of the organisation. Comparison of HR Practices The comparison of HR Practices of Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors • Maruti

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