Oppression And Denial Dalit Discrimination In The 1990s Summary

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Article Review On “ Oppression and Denial Dalit Discrimination in the 1990s” Author – Sukhdev Thorat SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Submitted To : Prof. Shajahan P K Name of the Subject : Theoretical perspectives for community Practice Submission Date : March 12, 2015 Submitted By: Ram Waman Kamble M2014CODP022 Second Semester Introduction Author Sukhadev Thorat has focused on Human rights, Indian Constitution and Human rights laws, concept of Human rights under Hindu social order as well as Human rights violations against Dalit. Author has focused on all India level Dalit discrimination as well as he mentioned four regional Dalit discrimination cases like…show more content…
Caste system and untouchability is main pillars in Hindu society. Everyone used to their occupation by birth. They don't allow to another occupation by skill. Every caste will do their hereditary continuations. Unequal distributions of economic rights among the caste. According to Ambedkar views the doctrine of inequality is core and heart of the order. Hindu society directly and indirectly support the caste system. Lower class people don' allow to enter in temple. Lower class peoples had not right to get eduction. Peoples can't do occupation and their skill and occupations. Every caste work and occupation had been determine. The traditional Hindu Society has been divided in four varnas There is no difference between legal and the moral. Brahmins class is top level he provide educational and spiritual leadership. They are intellectuals, Kshatriyas work are to protect society like warriors, police etc. Vaishyas comes in third level. Its a productive class. Like farmers, merchant and businesswomen peoples and Shudras comes in ground level. He is a labourers and service providers. According to Ambedkar's view the caste as single number cannot exist. Caste can exist only as a plural number. Retreat and segregation of untouchable is unique features of the Hindu social order. Classes or social groups are common to all societies but classes or social group don't practice retreat and exclusiveness. They…show more content…
When I was childhood we used to go upper cast marriage ceremony and other ceremony. We were sitting their peoples queue for eating food that time they used to wake up us from meal queue. That time my upper class school friend also present there but they don't do anything. upper caste peoples call lower class peoples for their ceremony for eating meal but they give specific time for them like evening and night and seat one corner of ceremony hall or beside marriage shed. Even today upper caste peoples seat them one corner of marriage shed. After finished their marriage ceremony they call Dalit women for clean utensils. After finished work they give remaining meal of marriage. They don't give money. Even if Dalit peoples taken higher education they also seat one corner of marriage shed with his brethren. One day my upper class teacher took me his ceremony but he told me that if someone ask about your surname(KAMBLE) don't tell them told them upper caste surname that time I asked him why did not you tell me before coming here I wouldn't have come here. When I used to traveling in village bus( ST) different kind of peoples used to meet me that time. They used to discussion with me but in the middle they asked me my surname(KAMBLE) next time they used to meet me in the bus but they don't speak to me. When I had gone to marriage ceremony in village. Dalit bridegroom don't allowed to temple for worship.

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