Homeless Pet Essay

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Save a life, adopt a homeless pet. Puma came into my life three months ago when I found him at an animal shelter. Since then, I have been his slave and he, my Master. Over the past few months, Puma has managed to do four things extremely well. 1. Sleep. He sleeps on my bed, he sleeps on the couch, he sleeps on top of the refrigerator and even sleeps on my head. He has plenty sleeping hours. Puma sleeps more than 20 hours a day, I think. Maybe, even more. Even when he is awake, I think he is still half asleep. 2. Eat. When he is awake, Puma eats. When he is happy, Puma eats. When he is disturbed, Puma eats. When he is angry, Puma eats. Puma is now weighing over 6kg, a 100% increase since I first met him. 3. Destroy the floor mat. Puma has single-handedly damaged all of the available floor mats at home. His sharp claws are the weapon of mass floor mats destruction. We just had to buy new…show more content…
No matter how bad my day will be, Puma will still rub his fat tummy against me. There is nothing like a friendly paw on your knee to lift your mood. Puma and all other pets for that matter is therapeutic. And science has constantly demonstrated that pets really are good for us. They help us fight against depression, lower our blood pressure and reduce stress. All of these help to lower the costs of health care. Thus, Puma provides my family and friends with a daily dose of good health and abundance of joy and happiness. Pets are beneficial for children. Puma helped teaching me the true meaning of responsibility. I learnt that through having a pet, its life will depend entirely on us and this alone will make us a more responsible person. I learnt the very need to always keep a watchful eye on our pet and this indirectly boosts my ability to control other tasks. Effectively, having a pet makes a person more responsible, the level of commitment and care of the owner will inevitably be reflected on their

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