Analysis Of Anthem, By Ayn Rand

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Anthem Essay Anthem, by Ayn Rand, depicts a futuristic society, an alleged utopia where everyone was created the same, no exceptions. Men in this novel are taught that it is a virtue to agree and be agreed with, when no one praises the creator, the egoist. The protagonist, Equality 7-2521, struggled his whole life to separate and free himself from collectivism, and develop an ego, obtaining victory at last. From a young age, Equality 7-2521 has differed from his ¨brothers¨. He was more knowledgeable when he was younger, more curious in his teenage years, and more futuristic in his twenties than his peers. First, Equality 7-2521 was superior in the way of knowledge, not to mention everything else, to his brothers in school. School work…show more content…
Striving to know more about his surroundings, Equality thinks,¨We think there are mysteries in the sky and under the water and in the plants which grow..(...)..and questions give us no rest.¨ Wishing to be a Scholar, Equality’s curiosity landed him the job of street sweeper. Questions forbidden, Equality was punished, granted if his brothers didn’t have any questioning thoughts, neither should he; or at least that’s what his teachers said. Equality struggles with this concept, but is not yet ready to rebel for fear that he would be even more of an anomaly than he already was. He has had the word altruism sculpted into his mind, and in this society, there is no second choice, for egoism was effaced. In The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand remarks, ¨The choice is not self-sacrifice or domination. The choice is dependence or independence. This is the basic issue. All that which proceeds from man’s independent ego is good. All that which proceeds from a man’s dependence upon man is evil.¨ Anthem’s author, Ayn Rand, is saying that asking questions shows independence, while depending on only a handful of people (in this case the scholars) to ask them for you divides mankind into egoists and altruists, although altruism is the only side taken. After noticing that Equality was different, the government gave him the job of street sweeper in hopes of silencing his voice. More curious than any of his brothers, Equality has always had more…show more content…
Hoping to improve the future, Equality looks for technology to rediscover, while the other citizens are almost afraid of change. He believes that new inventions and discoveries would better the world for not only him, but his brothers as well, and even goes so far as to reinvent the light bulb, which he presents to the World Council of Scholars. Soon after, they reject him, and threaten to have him ¨burned at the stake¨. In addition to having just been beaten, Equality is shamed, for to everybody else, ¨what is not thought by all men cannot be true¨, consequently causing Equality to run into the Uncharted Forest. Ayn Rand says, ¨A man thinks and works alone. A man cannot rob, exploit, or rule -alone(...) they imply dependence and are the province of the second-hander.¨ Equality thinks and acts in his own way, rebelling against everything he’s ever known. His struggle is real, from being beaten until he is numb to harsh words thrown his way, but no matter what happens to him, he thinks about what could benefit the future and give men the rights that should have never been taken from

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