Barney Glaser And Strauss: A Sociological Study

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The origins of grounded theory date back to 1967 when Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss conducted a sociological study to examine the experience of dying in hospitals (Strauss & Corbin 1990, Charmaz 2000). At that time, research was greatly dominated by a positivist research paradigm. Hence, most of the research conducted was quantitative and deductive in nature, and driven to test rather than develop theory. Despite this trend, Glaser and Strauss flexibly allow their study to be influenced by both Glaser's preference for quantitative approach and Strauss's perspective in symbolic in interactionism (Charmaz 2008). In contrast to the mainstream practices of a deductive method, Glaser and Strauss employed an inductive method which allowed the development of theory without the guidance of a preconceived theory (Glaser & Strauss 1967). Their inductive method complied well with the positivist epistemological assumption, as the coding and categorising processes were conducted in a systematic and iterative way (Charmaz 2008). Simultaneously, an interactionism view was also evident in Glaser and Strauss's inductive method where…show more content…
However, it was not until Strauss wrote 'Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientist' (1987) which significantly portray fundamental differences from the original version of grounded theory. Subsequently, in 1990, Strauss and Corbin published 'Basics of Qualitative Research) - a user-friendly and detailed guidance to the grounded theory. In addition, it was through this publication the differences between Glaser and Strauss's perspective on grounded theory were more widely recognized. Hence, what started as a joint and collaborative effort between Glaser and Strauss, ended with two contrasting versions of grounded theory, namely the traditional Glaserian and the Straussian models of grounded theory (Stern

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