Daylight Savings Time Synthesis

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Time passes by quickly and keeps moving on forward. Time is valuable and is not meant to be wasted. However, there have been countless debates on how America should use their time in a single day. Since the twentieth century, the United States have adopted a program called daylight savings time (DST), and DST is still regulated by the federal government today. During the fall, Americans would set their clocks backwards an hour; during the spring, their clocks would move forward one hour. The United States adopted this program in search to economize and save energy. However, since its introduction, daylight savings time has caused inconvenience and disruption to people’s lives. The United States’ first goal in adopting daylight savings time was its ability to save energy. With more daylight during the day, less energy would be used, such as lights. Studies done in 1970s by The U.S. Department of Transportation resulted with America’s electricity usage reducing by one percent each day daylight savings time was in effect (Source B). On the…show more content…
Daylight savings time may affect a person’s health because a person’s “activity levels were more in tune with their body clock than with the actual clock.” In addition, daylight savings time causes a disconnection between a person’s body time and clock time that can result to decrease in sleep and energy levels. During daylight savings time, it is difficult for the human body to adjust to the dramatic change. Studies have shown that the change in time “increases in heart attacks, suicides, and accidents” (Source E). Source D provides a graph illustrating the amount of crashes during daylight savings time and the transition to standard time. As shown in the graph, accidents seem to increase after the change to standard time. Evidently, daylight savings causes a disruption to the human body and can likely increase the amount of accidents and

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