Dalai Lama Reputation

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Name: Salma Obeid ID: 151067 Course: AA100A Section: 515 A Traditional Reputation Reputation is build according to actions. However, it depends on how others observe it that reveals whether it is good or bad. In other words, others points of view towards a person define its reputation; wherefore, someone’s image could be reversible. Although he acquires an enviable reputation in the west, the Dalai Lama’s name was tarnished by the Chinese government. “Dalai Lama means something like ‘ocean of wisdom’” (waterhouse, 2008, p.207). He is a divine teacher from Tibet. Generally, the Dalai Lama is a spiritualistic and political conductor of Tibet. He earned this title “in the second half of the eight century” (waterhouse, 2008, p.207). Furthermore,…show more content…
He deserves his reputation for having a positive attitude towards others. To clarify, Dalai Lama does not aim to convert people to his religion. On the contrary, he urges them to go deeply into their own religions. Moreover, Buddhism doctrine which teaches that although faith is crucial, but it is not the path for salvation. Plus, it offers a more simplified vision about wickedness and torment. Thus, for both previously mentioned reasons, the westerners were attracted to it. Hence Buddhism became a pertinent religion. It had won a big allure in the west followed by making the image of the Dalai Lama more…show more content…
In another meaning, despite the intricacies of Tibet’s history, Tibetans had founded a conventional image and took it as their ultimate role model; they called it the Dalai Lama. Such a character had possessed many contrasting reputations. These reputations resulted from the different observations of different people towards him. But, to his people he is a spiritual religious leader, a politician and their utmost prospect in life. Yet, probably his reputation will be reappraised and his post may not continue after he died forasmuch mighty enemies he

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