Iris Recognition Based Voting System 1G.Sathiyabama,2 Nithiya.J, 3B.Sankareswari@Saranya, 4M.Saravana Lakshmi, 5G.Abinaya 1,2 Faculties 3,, Jeppiaar Engineering College,
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO FACE RECOGNITION 1.1. BIOMETRICS A biometric system is a technological system that uses information about a person to identify that person. Biometric systems rely on specific data about unique biological traits in order to work effectively. A biometric system will involve running data through algorithms for a particular result, usually related to a positive identification of a user or other individual. We all have unique physiological
of the most commonly used biometric. Hence the development of face recognition system seems to be useful. There are many techniques people use to evade their identification. Plastic surgery is one of them. Plastic surgery is a surgical procedure to correct the facial anomalies or to improve the appearance of the face. Matching of images before and after the plastic surgery process is the difficult task for automatic face recognition systems because of the wide variations created due to plastic surgery
Based on this information and a specific programming, the central unit will act on certain circuits related power signals picked up by the field elements concerned. [2] 2.5. Advantages and Disadvantages. Here, in this chapter, advantages and disadvantages will be defined. Let's start with advantages first. Next will be exposed the main of them: a) Energy saving: It is the biggest advantage, because when you can program all the devices you do not need to