Customer Satisfaction Analysis

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Customer Overall Satisfaction and Brand Equity. Customer Satisfaction: Customer overall satisfaction is defined as the overall evaluation that the customer makes about the purchase and consumption experience that the customer encounter while consuming the product ( Anderson, Fornell, & Lehmann, 1994). According to (Boulding et al.,) customer satisfaction can be distinguish into two different concepts, cumulative and transaction specific. “From a transaction-specific point of view, customer satisfaction is viewed as a post-choice evaluation judgement of a specific purchase occasion” (Hunt 1977; Oliver 1977, 1980,. So transaction specific customer satisfaction measures the utility of the customer after the post consumption of a particular transaction.…show more content…
Some researchers such as (Cronin and taylor,1992) have found evidence that there is a positive relation between satisfaction and loyalty whereas research conducted by (savidas and baker-prewitt) found no relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. At the same time, some research has indicated that the customer may be satisfied but might not be the one who engages in frequent repurchase thus making the relationship between satisfaction and equity weak. Others have noted a weak correlation. However, the majority are of the opinion that satisfaction is a necessary but not sufficient condition leading to loyalty and repurchase (pappu & quester , 2006). So common sense dictate a satisfied customer will likely hold positive view about a brand and will likely refer it to other and thus there must be some positive relationship between loyalty and satisfaction, whether it’s weak or strong depends on the market in which the brand operates. The question arises why have some studies not found any correlation between customer loyalty and satisfaction. The reason is that each study uses a different type of product or service and customers have different levels of personal experience and different degrees of confidence regarding the performance of each type of product (pappu & quester , 2006). Furthermore, as stated by (pappu & quester…show more content…
At the introduction stage, emphasis is on the tangible aspects of the product and satisfaction depends upon he product offering and the customer needs (moraga, parraga, & gonzalez, 2008). At a more mature stage as stated by (moraga, parraga, & gonzalez, 2008), “ there are opportunities for the brand to excel if it is able to add enough intangible benefits to the product”. If successful, this results in higher customer satisfaction which in turn generates customer loyalty for the lIN Aong term. Yet an even more mature stage can combine both the tangible and intangible aspect in such a way that neither is dominant over other. Brand alone will be able to produce strong satisfaction loyalty than product alone (moraga, parraga, & gonzalez, 2008), but for the future, a hybrid of the two where customer becomes the part of corporate decision making will eventually lead to the highest level of customer satisfaction. HYPOTHESES: H1: For any brand category, the brand equity varies significantly as a function of customer satisfaction. H2: Brand loyalty varies significantly as a function of customer

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