Summary Of Isabel Vane And Henry Wood's East Lynne

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Charles Kingsley’s Alton Locke which was written at the end of the social condition of England changes the attitude of the British mind towards a new suspense beginning type of novels which is represented by Mrs Henry Wood’s East Lynne. The purpose of this study is to highlight the development of the two protagonists, Isabel Vane and Alton Locke, in East Lynne and Alton Locke since the development of the characters is somehow an impersonation of someone in reality. Apparently, Alton is portrayed as a representation of his creator equivalently Isabel has experienced some of the same situations that Mrs Wood has encountered. In this regard, it seems that both Alton and Isabel are symbolized to show the authors' roads in reality. For this end, the researcher should make a comparison between the hero and the heroine by studying the authors' life as well as examining thoroughly the contexts of the two novels. Charles Kingsley, the priest of the Anglican Church, was born in 1819. He is the eldest child of Reverend Charles Kingsley, who works in the priesthood to support his family. Alton Locke is considered as an autobiography because Alton, the main character, appears in the novel as a portrayal of its author who also does the same thing to another character; Larry Uffelman, Professor of English in Mansfield University, states, “Mackaye,…show more content…
Comparatively, the main focus in the Victorian age is divided into three main phases; the first one is represented in Alton Locke which refers to the “Condition-of-England novels.” The term relates to the Hungry Forties and is raised by Thomas Carlyle; furthermore, it is directly deal with class, gender, and labour relations, as well as the drastic conflict between the rich and the poor in England. Writers in this part of the Victorian age collaborated in a particular perception, the Industrial

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