Customer Satisfaction Case Study

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Customer satisfaction is a critical issue in the area of marketing and consumer behavior (Ghalandari, Babaeinia, & Jogh, 2012). It has become a key component in measuring business performance and guiding principle in the development in new product or service (Feng & Yanru, 2013). Satisfied customers will enhance company’s reputation by sharing positive experiences with others. Customer satisfaction can be defined as the customer’s fulfilment reply (Andreassen, 2000). Customer satisfaction is a perception that a merchandise or service feature, or the merchandise or service itself, delivered (or is delivering) a pleasurable level of fulfilment, and encompasses levels of under or over fulfilment (Tronvoll, 2010). It is understood from the above…show more content…
The end-result is a positive or negative emotions of attainment. Therefore satisfaction can be study as the consumer’s analysis of the product or service acquired. The significance of such customer analysis comes from the effect that satisfaction is pose to have on customer behaviours such as loyalty. Chavan and Ahmad (2013) have explained eight important features of satisfaction with respect to bank industry: paying attention to every client, personnel conduct inducing client trust, captivating bank gadgets, no fees for issuing cheques, zero error records, the likelihood of online banking, safety of transactions, friendly staff, and willingness of employees to answer to customer need irrespective of occupancy. Independent of conceptual platform, it is common today that service quality lead to customer satisfaction (Bae Suk et al., 2009). However, certain if any companies able to give services of expected quality to their customers all the time, this result in banishing the perception of injustice. Firms may counter service failure independent of customer complaints or reactions (Breitsohl et al., 2010). In the research, the loyalty is divided into behavioural, cognitive and affective components (Augusto de Matos et al., 2009). Behavioural loyalty is the buying behaviour actually showed by the customer;…show more content…
Finally, satisfaction is only of value to firms if it elicits some kind of positive financial outcome. Profitability and growth are mostly controlled by loyalty, and behavioural loyalty is a result of customer satisfaction. There are three sources from which company’s market share comes from, First, from those customers who switch the company. Second, new customers who select the company for their initial buying; and, third, those customers which are retained by the company (Morrisson and Huppertz, 2010). Service recovery helps to keep track of failures so company can deal with them and able to stop those failures happening. There are numerous advantages of a good service recovery like: enhanced opportunities for to retain customers (Bae Suk et al., 2009), decrease in risk for new customers and development of good company image in the eyes of its employees and customers. Service failure is controlled by components such as nature of the service encounter, cause of the trouble, and the psychographics of the individual customer involved in service failure (Du et al., 2010). A considerable level of customer satisfaction is the most important benchmark of the business’s fate because satisfied customers are also loyal and this guarantee a steady

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