Analysis Of Cultural Differences Between Children And Immigrant Parent-Child Conflict

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Culture is a vital part of conflict and effects all of us. It is more than the language we speak or how we dress or what food we like to eat. Culture gives us messages that shape our views, judgments, and ideas of self and other. Cultures are always on the move while at the same time giving us information about what is important and who we are in the world and in our own relationships with one another. Conflict between children and immigrant parent are influenced by the generation and the culture differences that sometimes seems to get in the way of building a healthy relationships. Conflicts between the young and the old, and not being able to relate to and with children can involve tension in authority, control and independence…show more content…
That is one reason that a conflict can become heated especially when the child is becoming an adolescent they do not seem to care about the same things that the parents do. When cultural differences are analyzed in a parent child relationship we see that parental beliefs, and family culture does not take on the same meaning for the child as it does for the immigrant parent. As Lorraine Segal in “Conflict Remedy” talks about in her article “journey to the heart of communication” she explains, “ often immigrant parents came to the US from small villages and grew up in traditional cultures where people show great respect for elders, put family first, and live at home until they get married.” (Pg.1) But children nowadays that grew up in the United States seem to leave home way earlier. Most parents start off being important people in their children’s lives up until they become an adolescent. During these years children want to break free from the mold and from under their parent’s control. Teens who believe they are trapped, need independence and can’t talk to the parent often can turn into a huge conflict. That’s why…show more content…
The parent who has come from a smaller town or village and is now living in the United States tries so hard to keep their traditions in tack by implementing their heritage within their own home but their teenager does not seem to be effected by how their parents were raised and believe their just old fashion and just don’t understand. Teens today cannot relate to how their parents were raised nor do they want to. Why has the dynamics of these cultures changed so much? I believe that even though this seems to be a generation of no patience and immediate gratification young people have been taught that even though their parents come from the a different country that they were born here in the United States and have the right to speak up and be heard and question authority. As Robert C. Gates, in his paper titled “Adolescence: Psychosocial Development” he explains “Conflict between peers & family is likely to arise in ethnic groups that revere closeness to family, respect for others, and self-sacrifice. These ideals clash with

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